Interested in reading more of your work!

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Thanks! I read all of your posts with great interest.

I just published an interesting Limonov "prophecy". You have probably heard about it. https://serborthodox.substack.com/p/prophetic-famous-russian-writer-eduard

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks.

Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . .


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The US-NATO-UK Ukrainian Proxy War on Russia is an existential war of survival, for Russia. The West as well. It is now a Zero Sum Game Conflict. American political and economic goals are to destroy the Russian state, apply regime change strategies and steal Russia's vast natural resources. T

his campaign comes as the culmination of several hundred years of Western global dominance, not by the superiority of Western ideas and values, of which we hear much, but rather by The West's superiority in applying organized violence, mass murder and resource theft, notably against technologically inferior states. It thus is a test of The West's dominant Geo-Political and Geo-Economic Success Paradigm. Russia is not a technologically inferior state.

The Ukrainian people are entirely expendable cannon fodder for this campaign and they are the modern equivalent of a Pyramid of Skulls.


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Although your view of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as a conflict between two religions (Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity, which were really always the same religion) may have had some basis in the past, it no longer does; all peoples already share the same religion: rationalist and Luciferian Freemason globalism and the faith in the modern pseudo-science based on the Jewish Kabbalah. Undoubtedly, the disintegration of the Christian order stems from the obsession of many Catholics with making Rome the center of Christianity (which has always created resentment in many nations that rightly feared being colonized by a secular power that presented itself falsely as a religious or supernatural power). But the truth is that the successor of Saint Peter does not have to reside in Rome, in fact he should have always established his residence wherever a fracture threatened the Christian world, although it is already too late for that.

The Catholic Church no longer exists; Antipope Bergoglio is an apostate and a Freemason (an honorary member of the Rotary Club) and an agent of the globalists who seated him on the papal throne in order to implement their eugenic agenda through the fake coronavirus pandemic, a non-existent virus that it is simply in all probability a computer design, this is the reason why they forced Pope Benedict to abdicate. There is no doubt, although we do not have proof at the moment and we do not have it because nobody has bothered to look for it, that Pope Benedict was coerced into abdicating under threat of death. The crime had it been carried out would have been silenced by the mercenary press responsible for the wave of panic and hysteria caused by the extremely mild Covid flu that has swept the world; and those who coerced Benedict into abdicating were most likely members of the Drenica group or the Kosovo Liberation Army led by the drug and human organ trafficker Hashim Taçi. What was this notorious mobster and war criminal doing at Bergoglio's coronation ceremony but making sure that the usurpation of the papal throne was carried out in accordance with the plans of the globalist Freemason criminals who have now set out to exterminate the world population with their false vaccines? But if the Catholic Church has become Gnostic, so to speak, due to the pressure of Christian Zionism (two incompatible terms), the same can be said to a great extent of the Orthodox Church, practically destroyed after the Soviet revolution, which was not Russian. but Khazarian.

I have no doubt that the orthodox church whose leaders have never spoken out against the globalists' genocidal vaccination campaign has been infiltrated by agents of the Rothschilds and globalist bankers

The Russian Monastery Compound, Ein Kerem in Jerusalem was, according to certain sources, a center for many Masonic spies, all of them members of the satanic and globalist Royal Arch Masonic lodge. Neither Catholics nor Orthodox have remained true to their dogma because if they had they would have rejected the farce of the fake pandemic, would have refused to wear the unsanitary masks and would have refused to be vaccinated with the false and poisonous vaccine against the false pandemic that some have describe as the mark of the beast. the catholic and orthodox church share, or rather shared, the same dogma and are or were the same religion; Ukrainians and Russians are the same race, the same people, and the same can be said of Serbs and Croats.

The reason for both conflicts is that Russians and Ukrainians hate themselves and project that hate onto their brothers. They project onto them what they do not refuse to see in themselves. They refuse to see the log in their own eye and prefer to see the speck in the eye of their brothers. Being Catholic or Orthodox is no longer in most cases more than a label empty of all content; the true creed of the entire world population is the pseudo science based on the Jewish Kabbalah. The leader of the Chinese, American and Russian governments share the same evil political agenda, as is clear from these articles and many others posted on Edward Slavsquat's website.



The program of the St. Petersburg fair is an exact copy of the one drawn up at the Davos group meetings. They are all the pawns of the Sabbatean bankers led by the Rothschilds bent on a complete and devilish control of the world's population and turning us all into zombies; the Khazarian supremacist sect of the Chabad Lubavitch reigns supreme in all those countries. Let's stop with all that nonsense: the enemy of all humanity is the globalist bank system based on Wall Street and the city of London and all the governments of the world are simply their puppets.

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I am German and put up a deserter from the Serb army in the early Nineties. He was a musician and played in one band with a Croat and a Kosovo-Albanian. The called each other jokingly "Tshetnik", "Ustasha" and "Shiptar". From what I heard no nationality had a monopoly in utmost cruelty. But every side claimed the other one was genocidal a.s.o. Everybody was a victim of historical unjustness and was just reclaiming what was rightfully theirs. Sorry, but Yugoslavia was the best case for some outside power to come in and bash everybody´s head against a wall until there was peace.

Unfortunately that didn´t happen. The only chance for some sort of just peace would have been for the West to bring their own clients and for the Russians to bring the Serbs to heel and then imposing a settlement. Instead the US cynically exploited the Kosovo conflict to establish a military base in Kosovo. No doubt the Serbs got treated in a way that no European people should habe been treated.

I am sure there could have been a negotiated end to the Kosovo conflict that would have involved both sides - the Kosovo Albanians and the Serbs - making sacrifices. Instead only the Serbs were bombed and Russia humiliated.

That was the end of great hopes for a pan european security structure that would have involved Russia. In a way it was the beginning of the road towrds the desaster of todays war. I can only hope that the US is kicked out of Europe and there is another go at shared security.

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Looks like Don Rumsfeld was right with the comment ‘Europe has shifted on its axis’, the wrong side won WW2, and it is becoming clearer with each and every day . . . What has NATO done to defend Europe? Absolutely nothing . . .

My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh, or in some ethereal Teutonic boogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels, and Tel Aviv. Heil Hitler.

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Jews Albright and Clark had NATO bomb Serbia so the IMF Jews could make loans for rebuilding and get control of Serbian iridium assets . . . while Saudi non-profit NGOs kept the KLA terrorists well fed and well-armed . . . Just like ISIS in Syria . . . their Zionist bedfellows on Wall Street want Ukraine for GMO grain crops . . . Monsanto (now Bayer), Genentech, ADM, etc., are all buying land with the help of the Jews at the IMF by giving the Ukrainian “Dill” idiots debt relief . . . IMF = Israeli Military Fund

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As far as I can tell what will be left of Ukraine will be used as a western testbed for the introduction of the fourth Reich, aka the Great Reset in the West. They already have a rudimentary mobile app-based credit score system as far as I recall and seem further down the line than most. By destroying the infrastructure of the land completely 6uilding 6ack 6etter will proceed with far greater gusto although Germany will not be far behind at this rate. What better way to introduce the slave token-based CBDC when you have nothing at all to survive on?

The war is a sham just like the Covaids and the Anglo-American-Zionist bloodlines and banksters are backing both sides. They have started all wars in the last few centuries even as far back as the 18th Century. Just follow the fake magic money tree to its Babylonian roots. Even Putin is controlled and playing his role to perfection. The ruling class doesn't give a fck about anyone irrespective of their ethnicity.

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With friends like these you will have no need for enemies Riley.

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Let's leave aside the propaganda stuff that depicts all situations in black and white. For any historian of the present times, who seeks to predict the future, should use external lenses. This neutral approach brings us to the structure of conflicts. Which one is it in both cases? It is centralism vs ethno-nationalism.

Such type of conflict derives from the fact that power projection is not a given and in some areas, allegiance is not settled if people are given a chance.

Thus ethnic sentiments have been propped up since at least 200 years, with the help of the vernacular press, which has been in Europe the prophet of nationalism. It is Britain that stirred the 1848 'Spring of the peoples' and America which in 1919 imposed the 'one state, one nation' principle and in 2020 talks about Tibet, Xinjiang, Ukraine, etc. It is an underground Yugoslavist group of Bosnian Serbs that killed Franz-Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914.

We can't help but notice that 'divide et impera' has generally been for the benefit of Oceanian, Anglo-American interests, as it often bars European economic unity and strategic projection. This is certainly a factor as to why the Communist ideology spread so well in Eurasia: there was a practical desire to overcome ethnic tensions to confront imperialism and finally reach the stage of modern development.

This is the obvious relation between the Yugoslavian Wars and the Ukraine War. But how does it work exactly? It appears that the Russian/Serbian nations, share not just a religion, an alphabet and a language family. They also share a unifying narrative. "Great Russia" is the "unifier of peoples", in the Soviet anthem of 1944. Serbia has played the key role in the Yugoslavist movement. In short, centralism here is largely ethno-centralism. This factor isn't enough analyzed in the Western media.

And when the communist ideology collapsed, and its unifying narrative, Russian/Serbian centralism became so weak that nationalisms became the only strategy to wield power, while IMF-led shock reforms were being enacted.

The break-up of Yugoslavia was largely due to this centrifugal force that made Serbian centralism unable to unite Croats, Slovenians, Albanians. The break-up of Russia was due to the centrifugal forces that made Russian centralism unable to unite Estonians, Georgians and Kazakhs, for the same reasons it had since long been unable to unite the Polish, let alone the Yugoslav or the Chinese.

25 years later, Russia has found stability, and very cleverly, Russia's ethno-centralism is coated in a new 'traditionalist' narrative (marriage, religion, authority), which fits very well with the more conservative attitudes of the non-Western world. Consciously or not, the Western elites have given the Middle East and Africa on a silver plate to Russia, and may ease their re-entry in the Eastern bloc in the sense that it proves a good propaganda line since the opposing Polish, Czech, Romanian, etc. governments are almost all elected on socially conservative agendas -- in tune with the local attitudes.

Thus, Ukraine's fate is not bound to be exactly Yugoslavia's. More likely, if new borders in Ukraine are accepted, then we can expect changes in the Balkans. At least in Bosnia-Herzegovina. There's already a "non-paper" (informal diplomatic memo) that circulates, which appears to be backed by the Russian side. These new borders would mean a stronger Serbia. And possibly. . . the resurrection of the Yugoslavist idea?

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You forget that Yugoslavia was not Serbocentric. Basically the Communist party was the "outside force" that that banged all the nationalist heads against the wall until there was peace. When the Communist ideology had run its course nationalism took its place. Serbian nationalism can´t by its very definition unite the former Yugoslavia. Only an outside force can. Alas the EU was to fractious and the US made sure it stayed that way. Now it is to late anyhow.

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